Yoga Class at New Time!
Join us at 5:30pm for our Wednesday Yoga class. Drop ins welcome. You can get 4 weeks for only $20! Bring your own yoga mat to class. No experience, lots of experience, all levels, ages, genders, and sizes welcome.
Join us at 5:30pm for our Wednesday Yoga class. Drop ins welcome. You can get 4 weeks for only $20! Bring your own yoga mat to class. No experience, lots of experience, all levels, ages, genders, and sizes welcome.
6pm–YOGA $30 for 6 weeks-Wednesday We have some guest instructors that are an exciting new addition to Janna’s Yoga staff during this session! If you haven’t tried Yoga this is a fantastic time to do so. The health benefits of Yoga extend to all parts of your body and life. …
FREE ZUMBA CLASS Thursday, June 27 at Janna’s International Dance Studio! We are having a special 70’s themed Zumba class so dress up if you want in your best spandex, leg warmers, and head bands! If you wondered what all the excitement is all about, here is your chance to…
Check out the New Classes Starting at Janna’s International Dance Studio! 7:30pmSHORT COURSE VEIL for Rising Intermediates $60 for 6 weeks June 19–Wednesday Class requires completion of the 12 week Basic Belly Dance and Instructor permission to advance. The Short Course is a 6 week long class that will focus…
Join us tonight in our support to help find the cure for cancer. We will be dancing at the Yorktown/Poquoson Relay for Life tonight starting 9:30pm at Tabb High School. Drop by the stage and say hello!
Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day! We will be back in the studio Tuesday with our regular schedule. LC Veil and Gypsy be sure to practice your dances!
ZUMBA Thursday, May 23 5:15pm–$30 for 6 weeks Pre register 24/7 with our online payment button. Bring a Yoga mat to class.
Summer is here, I think with these crazy temperatures, time to get ready for summer dances, beach days, and vacations. Take a look at the line up we have starting in the next couple of weeks! You can register online 24/7 at:! HULA Friday, May 17 6pm Level I…
Our Spring Hafla was a huge success and now its time to begin preparations for “Dances to a Different Drum 2013” on August 3 at the Jamestown Theater in Williamsburg, VA. Take a look at Janna’s performance and technique class options for Summer! CLASS SCHEDULE: MONDAY, APRIL 29 6pm Intermediate…