Rehearsal Schedule for April 11, 2011

This the  schedule! We have the Commonwealth Theater from 9-11:59pm on April 11 for dress rehearsal.  As always, we will have to run a tight ship and be on time with each section. We will not have the time to go back and redo for anyone who is late so be sure to allow plenty of time for driving, traffic, and parking. It is Williamsburg after all!  😉  Bring any costumes your class/classes require to dance test.
NO cameras or video taping allowed at the dress rehearsal!

Rehearsal Times:

  1. 9pm-LC Veil
  2. 9:15pm-LC Zill
  3. 9:30pm-Gypsy
  4. 9:45pm-Urban Tribal-Studio Class
  5. 10:00pm-Advanced-Studio Class
  6. 10:15pm-LC ATS
  7. 10:30pm-BAST
  8. 10:45pm-W&M Veil
  9. 11:00pm-W&M Urban Tribal
  10. 11:15pm-W&M Advanced

Company Members: We will have the theater from 2:30pm on April 17.  You will have your rehearsal times on the day of the performance as follows:

  1. 3:30pm-East West ATS
  2. 3:45pm-Desert Breeze
  3. 4pm-Kai Noe, Hula II, and Baby Hula

Doors Open at 4:30pm and the show starts at 5pm.

See you there!



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