Author: Janna Beaufait
In Person Classes Start Next Week!
Lets get back to dancing in 2022! New classes start January 31 & February 2 with Janna. Take a look at the calendar and the flyer for details. Click on this link to bring up the flyer. See you soon!
Finally, I hope, In Person Classes Starting!
Beginner Belly Dance Class Cancelled Tonight, Jan. 3
Well the snow is here and still coming down. Stay home and safe. All Monday classes will start Jan. 10, 2022. See you then!
NEW CLASSES START JAN. 3, 5 & 10, 2022!
New Fall Classes at Janna’s Start October 4th!
If the last year has taught us anything its the need to get off the couch! Join me for a new set of Belly Dance Classes that will get you up and moving again. Check these out: MONDAY 6pm-BEGINNER BELLY DANCE ONGOING CLASS-BDI-Join anytime! 7pm-INTRODUCTION TO ZILLS-Learn how to play…
No Classes on Monday, September 6 in observance of Labor Day. Have a wonderful and safe holiday!
It has been a long year and a half but take heart we can finally start to dance again. New classes with Janna will start the first week of July. Check out the details below. Plus mark your calendars for our Holiday Hafla, December 18 @ 2pm at the Williamsburg…
New Technique Classes Starting April 20 & 29!
Hello Everyone! Yes, I’m finally starting classes again! Still on Zoom for now and only technique classes again! Hopefully I will be able to find space have live classes by June/July. Classes: Beginning Belly Dance Class-Tuesday, April 20 @ 6:30pm Intermediate Technique class-Thursday April 29 @ 6:30pm Pricing for the…